Contents.Plot The plot centers around Lord Shiva and brings Hindu theology to life in a series of interconnected stories. The serial begins with the creation of the universe and the other Devas, then guides the viewer through Shiva's marriage to Sati, Sati's death, Shiva's marriage to Parvati, and tales of many devotional acts, demonic battles, and important religious events (such as the creation of the twelve ). It ends with events covered in the and the blessing of the hero by Shiva.According to the show's intrource material used to construct the show's plot and script was extensive.
Sources listed are the Vayu Puran, Shiv Maha Puran, Skand Puran, Ling Puran, Tantra Chooramani, Valmiki Ramayan, Swetashwar Upanishad, Vaman Puran, Varah Puran, Koorma Puran, Rudra Yamal Tantra, Padma Puran, Devi Bhagwat Puran, and Bhagwat Puran. Director Dheeraj Kumar, a devotee of Lord Shiva, oversaw nine years of research to ensure that Om Namah Shivay's story was complete and accurate; nonetheless, the opening credits begin with an apology for any errors that may have been made in the series.Kumar has also stated that, besides depicting stories central to the Hindu faith, every episode of the serial 'contains certain portions which highlight the cultural heritage of India.'
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Contents.Plot The plot centers around Lord Shiva and brings Hindu theology to life in a series of interconnected stories. The serial begins with the creation of the universe and the other Devas, then guides the viewer through Shiva's marriage to Sati, Sati's death, Shiva's marriage to Parvati, and tales of many devotional acts, demonic battles, and important religious events (such as the creation of the twelve ). It ends with events covered in the and the blessing of the hero by Shiva.According to the show's intrource material used to construct the show's plot and script was extensive.
Sources listed are the Vayu Puran, Shiv Maha Puran, Skand Puran, Ling Puran, Tantra Chooramani, Valmiki Ramayan, Swetashwar Upanishad, Vaman Puran, Varah Puran, Koorma Puran, Rudra Yamal Tantra, Padma Puran, Devi Bhagwat Puran, and Bhagwat Puran. Director Dheeraj Kumar, a devotee of Lord Shiva, oversaw nine years of research to ensure that Om Namah Shivay's story was complete and accurate; nonetheless, the opening credits begin with an apology for any errors that may have been made in the series.Kumar has also stated that, besides depicting stories central to the Hindu faith, every episode of the serial 'contains certain portions which highlight the cultural heritage of India.'
Our site is dedicated to the new music industry - a surround music! On our website you can always find and download the best albums of your favorite artists in the most popular formats DVD-Audio, DTS 5.1, SACD-R. The site contains a selection of high-quality archive of music of different styles, all in amazing quality! 5 1 surround sound free download - Apple Safari, Razer Surround, Surround Sound Ear Candy, and many more programs. Visit Logitech for surround sound speakers to get the best sound from every movie, song, and game. Get a 2.1 or 5.1 surround sound system with subwoofer. 5.1 surround sound audio driver windows 10 free download - Apple Safari, Surround Sounds Adv for Windows 10, Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live/Live Value Driver (Windows 95/98), and many more programs. DVD & VCD: Television. Out of Stock: DVD Office Office - Set 2 6 Disc Set (2000). Language: Hindi Director: Rajiv Mehra Cast: Pankaj Kapur, Asawari Joshi Eagle Rs.399.